We Rise By Lifting Each Other
Host Michelle Beck, will be searching out and speaking with those who give back and provide opportunities or goods to those in need . . . just because. Helping others fills your soul. Everyone benefits when goodness is shared. There will be times in life when you give less and need more. If you help someone, they may help someone else and the circle keeps going. Whether it be the sharing of information, time, or physical things, the giver will be richer for it.
We Rise By Lifting Each Other
Food Security 4 All - Through Awareness, Charity & Legislation
Host Michelle Beck welcomes Miss Oregon 2023 Allison Burke to talk about food insecurity and what she is doing to fight that in our community with Food Security 4 All.
Allison’s interest in fighting hunger first began when she was the president of the Tigard Youth Advisory Committee while at Tigard High School 10 years ago. Since then, she has focused on raising awareness of hunger, promoting charity & giving to nutrition programs and advocating for legislation to address the root causes of hunger. She has partnered with both local and national organizations such as Meals on Wheels, Hunger-Free Oregon, The Giving Plate, Oregon Food Bank and Feeding America. While she is not our supporting food security or working to grow the Miss America scholarship fund, she works as state operations manager at Oregon Senator Jeff’s Merkley’s office.
For today's "Happy Hour" we are highlighting the Shirley Temple, a favorite of kids and adults alike!
“When we look at the makeup of the United States, one of the most stark statistics is to know that it doesn't matter what county you are. In the entire United States, food insecurity exists. So there's varying degrees, varying levels, but we have around 52 million people who are experiencing food insecurity, which for those who might not know, food insecurity broad measure of hunger." – Allison Burke.
You can follow Allison at https://www.instagram.com/missamericaor/ and https://www.instagram.com/foodsecurity4all/
The book which Allison mentioned was "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World" by Haemin Sunim.
For more information – www.werisebyliftingeachother.com and follow Michelle on social media: IG: RiseByLiftingEachOther and everywhere else @ We Rise By Lifting Each Other. Just look for the phoenix! Michelle can also be found on IG: INeverLikedPink
The goal of the “We Rise By Lifting Each Other” podcast is to highlight good in the world by speaking with individuals and organizations who help others heal beyond adversity by rising together.
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